Employee Spotlight: Terri Fontainen

Employee Spotlight: Terri Fontainen, Copper Inspector

CALUMET, Mich. — Terri Fontainen has been a valuable member of the Calumet Electronics team since June 18, 2018!

Among her co-workers, Terri has a reputation for being determined, industrious, and reliable. These are some the qualities that make her such an effective copper inspector. In her position, Terri is responsible for carefully examining the panels to ensure that any issues are found before they move on to the next processing step.

She helps run a tight ship within her department. Terri helps keep folks on their toes, ensuring that they pay close attention to details. She takes pride in helping her team zero in on potential discrepancies. If problems are caught and addressed at the copper inspection level, it helps the company prevent wasteful scrap.

“Terri always has friendly suggestions for her colleagues about ways to improve training and production efficiencies,” said Michael Messner, Employee Development & Training Manager. “She’s a great role model because she walks the talk — Terri is always willing to ask questions and double-check the proper process and procedures to make sure work orders conform with customer specifications. We’re lucky to have you, Terri!”

“I just love my job.”

Terri Fontainen

Terri’s enthusiasm and commitment to her work extends beyond her own department. She’s cross-trained in Outer AOI, but she’s willing to help out wherever she’s needed when her own department’s work is slow. When Terri’s not at work, she enjoys coloring with gel pens in adult coloring books — a creative outlet her mother taught her. She also loves spending time with animals.

We deeply appreciate dedicated employees like Terri. Her team spirit and eagle eye have contributed towards Calumet Electronics’ reputation for excellence. If you or someone you know is interested in working with great team members like Terri, check out our job openings!

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Reference #2
Reference #3

Current and former employers:

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Employer #2
Employer #3
Employer #4
Employer #5

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Calumet Electronics Corporation participates in pre-employment drug testing.

I understand and agree that, if hired, my employment is at-will, meaning it is for no definite period and may, regardless of the date of payment of my wages and salary, be terminated with or without cause, at any time, with or without notice. This provision supersedes any oral or written representation to the contrary unless in writing and signed by both a Human Resources Representative and the person to whom the writing is directed. I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application for any employment-related purpose. I release the listed references and all employers, except those specifically noted* to provide you with any applicable information they may have. I hereby release these references and former employers from all liability for any information they may give to the Company.

I certify that the facts contained in this application are true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge, and understand that, if employed, falsified statements or omitted material facts on this application may result in my disqualification from consideration for employment, or termination from employment if I have been hired.

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